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SOARS After-School Enrichment & Childcare

SOARS (Student Opportunities for Achievement and Reaching Success) is the umbrella name for a variety of enrichment programs that are available for BPSD students.BPSD partners with California State University, Fullerton to provide the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (BPSD SOARS), which is a free after-school program that runs until 6:00pm each day. This program includes snacks,  homework time, and tutoring, along with a variety of outdoor activities, specialty clubs, and other site-driven programming. On Thursdays, which are minimum days, BPSD also offers a range of specialty classes for all students in grades 3, 4, and 5, many of which culminate in a district-wide event or showcase. These include the Spelling Bee, Superintendent’s Soccer Cup, GATE SuperSatuday, Choral Festival/ Winter Choir Concert, Chess Tournament, Cube Showcase, Speech and Debate Showcase, Stembots Tournament, and more. Students who are enrolled in another after-school program can still attend these specialty classes on Thursdays and then return to their usual after-school program.